Friday, April 18, 2008


I'm cramming for A&P, so of course this is the perfect time to blog lol.

Thesis still not done. I'm at the stage I should've been at a month ago. Writing, sending in a draft, P looks it over, sends it back to me, I re-write, send it back to her, etc till it's perfected. So far, only my results section is basically done. Methods is almost there. Intro still needs a lot of work, and the discussion needs even more. The defence itself was changed to the 23rd because P thought I deserved more time. Don't really know how it's going to get finished - I'm predicting I'll still be doing the bouncing drafts back and forth by the time the defence comes around... or else I'll completely skip studying sufficiently for my last exam on the 22nd. Invertebrate. It's my hardest. Gah!

Had a mix up with a law school - somehow I missed an important deadline with the Ontario Law School Application Service, but after an alarmed email and a phone call from me to the law school, it's all been straightened out, and I've settled and accepted to what had been my 2nd choice school, but which has really evolved into my first choice. I think I'm going to love it there. I won't feel like I'm seriously going there, though, until they reply back and say they've received my deposit, and then they grant my one year deferral so I can go to France. THEN I'll breathe my sigh of relief.

Still have a lot on my to-do list, mostly thesis stuff, but so much else too. Big plans with all my friends to celebrate when all this is through. There's a grad pub crawl I'm looking forward to. I can almost see the finish line - my thesis will be due either two or three days after my defence. Though then I've agreed to keep writing more stuff up so we can maybe get my work, plus P's, published- which would be nice, but I wouldn't really be getting anything out of it, aside from a publication in a discipline I'm now leaving lol. Oh well, should be fun (or whatever).

I've been wait-listed to do a 5-wk French Immersion program in mid-summer. Crossing my fingers for it.

I didn't shave for three weeks. It was interesting. Last week I played around with a goatee and side burns... then let it all grow in. Beth said today that it was making my face into a different shape lol. So I shaved it off tonight. I liked it most of the time, and got some compliments. I'm glad I can grow facial hair well; it gives me options- from the way the hair on my head is going, I think I'll probably be bald by the time I'm 30 if not sooner. Damn genes lol. I'm glad my self image is ok- hair is not necessary to look good lol. I always get my hair cut really short anyway. I've seen other guys in my situation shave all the hair off their heads... I'm not sure if I'd want to go that far... but I guess I'll have to see lol.

Mom's laptop died while they were in Florida, and she just got it fixed. She's quite excited. Most of her memory was retrieved successfully. I'm a bit scared that mine's going to croak one of these days - I always get that blue screen of death. I would like to get a new laptop before I go away, but then I also want a new camera, and a bunch of new clothes, and spending a year in Europe isn't cheap... so I can see something getting cut. Though maybe Mom and Dad will be extra generous somehow.. lol. I think Beth said she'll sell me her old camera, which I think would be awesome, because it's small and easy to use, and it would be cheap. She's looking for something that'll take better photos- like, artsy photos or something.

Speaking of Beth, she's still dogsitting. Tonight she'll be watching BSG with her dog, which she hilariously finds annoying, while I'm here cramming (or blogging).

...but yeah, should get back to cramming. Wish me luck!


Shane said...

i haven't read through all of your blogs yet, but just wanted to say congrats on getting accepted to law school! :D. you're just like turned he said he was kind of glad he didn't go the science way. even though he made really good grades, he didn't feel like it was for him. so hope law will work out for you too :)

good luck on finals and stuff! :)

Anonymous said...

Oy, I wish I was there. I still have two weeks to finish my thesis, and I'm not hurrying fast enough. Of course, having two other papers due this quarter is also complicating things.

Well, right on man! Cheers for you!