Monday, June 23, 2008


I’m in love! I’ve never ever been in love. I’ve had crushes, but never this. This intense, mutual, all consuming adoration lol. His name is G. He’s smart, he’s friendly, he’s funny, he’s cute, he’s everything I could’ve wanted in a guy. This is the guy who I went out with for the first time this past Tuesday. He’s in dentistry, going into third year. He’s 22 like me, but he’ll be 23 next month. First date: drove around, got coffee, talked, got to know one another, realized how easy we could talk with each other. By the end of the date, you could feel the spark. Wednesday, second date: Went to the mall, then DQ for sundaes, then more driving, more coffee. Eventually we went to this big walking track near my house and walked for a while. When we got back into the car, we chatted for ever, and eventually ended up cuddling a bit. He didn’t want to give me the cold he had so he didn’t want to kiss me, but it was ok… just cuddling was amazing. I could feel myself falling for him. Thursday, third date: (first time I picked him up) drove around again, got coffee, later on got a salad from McDonald’s and split it in the car when we got to the park. We even fed each other some of it. …it was romantic. It was hot. I could feel myself falling harder. Walked the track a bit. Cuddled back in the car. I kissed him first- I no longer cared about the cold. Kissing led to a bit more… we didn’t get home till about 5am. We were hooked. I had to go away for the weekend to my great uncle’s 95th in NB. I think we exchanged more than 100 text msgs over the weekend… my bill is going to be huge lol. He told me he wanted to be my boyfriend. He picked me up Sunday evening after I got home… my heart was beating out of my chest I was so excited to see him again. We hold hands in the car now. He took me to a bonfire with some of his friends. We both want to make this a legitimate relationship… though neither of us has ever been in one. It was the first time I was in a social setting as someone’s boyfriend. A nice milestone. We walked on the beach and kissed by moonlight. We drove around. Parked at our park. Cuddled, kissed. I told him I loved him. He told me he loved me. Cuddling led to more lol. We got scared by a police car which may have seen us but continued driving slowly by. Scared us to death, but it was fun lol. Got some apple juice lol. We’re going to movies tonight- I’ve never done that with a guy either. Going out to eat tomorrow night for our “one week.” God this is intense. I know I’m feeling swept away, head over heels, but so is he… I never thought this would ever happen to me, in a million billion years… but here I am! Luckiest guy in the world. I’m still going away for July, but we’ll have August together. I don’t want to lose him, ever. I’m so in love.


Volker said...

I'm so happy for you!!! We all deserve to be happy in life. Look forward to reading more. - Volker

Dennis O'Hara said...

Congratulations Robert! Nobody deserves a nice guy more than you. This is Dennis from ehmanpenn by the way. Shane gave me your new blog address so if you were hoping to be rid of me forever you have only him to blame lol. Bill says hello and when are you coming to visit us in Boston?

Volker said...

I'm so happy for you!!! I have my own adventure awaiting me with Brad as he's coming west very soon. Read our blog to find out the latest! - Volker

Anonymous said...

Cuddling KICKS ASS. :)

Aw Robert! I am so happy for you; you are making me cry with tears of joy for you. :) Yeah, I know...I'm a hopeless romantic.

Anonymous said...

public romance! wow! you are very brave, and i bet the reward was so worth it. :)

Anonymous said...

hey man! congrats on your new love! :) i'm really happy for you :D. yea i know i haven't been logging on and blogging and stuff. just been busy with work, friends, family, and life in general.

so keep me updated on your new love ;). take care dude!

...argh...for the love of god i can't remember my password...grrr...

Volker said...

Robert, it really feels good, doesn't it? Words alone cannot describe the feeling. Good luck! - Volker